True Blood Season 4 Episode 8

Diposting oleh sinx ontohod | 09.58 | | 0 komentar »

Hello! how are you all? I hope good.

Here I Provide information about a movie Called True Blood Season 4 Episode 8.
and here I'll give a little sinopspisnya, may be useful for you all:
Bill calls Marnie to talk over the war and tells her to meet him at the Bon Temps cemetery.
The new packmaster has gathered his wolves to discuss the war between the witches and the vampires. He said his source doesn’t know why they want a war, but they’re staying out of it.
Sookie and Eric go to Bill to tell him that they are there to fight with him. Bill tells her that this is not her battle. Eric tells Bill, “That is not our decision.”
Tara confronts Marnie/Antonia to tell her that they’re not just protecting themselves, that they’re killing vampires. Marnie says, “That is our only hope, once and for all.”
It looks like it’s going to be an epic battle at the cemetery. Still, we want to know what happens to Jessica?!?? If she has met the true death, then Bill is going to want revenge. Also, it looks like we’re going to see the shower scene that we’ve heard so much about from book four! Score!
What do you think of the preview for next week’s show??

so do not forget to visit my site to see all his films.
survivors witnessed.

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